News Cast for October 24th:

Two Broward County residents are charged with defrauding a feed store in Okeechobee.

Maycol Maradiaga and Wilmer Maradiaga are accused of ordering $18,482 in farm supplies with a stolen credit card.

The store took the order over the phone and delivered the materials to a ranch in Clewiston.

The order included 170 posts of various lengths and other lumber, feed bins, pipe gates and other materials.

A few days later the store realized the credit card was a fraud and reported it to sheriff deputies. Efforts to get the materials returned failed.

Charges to be filed could include grand theft, fraudulent use of a credit card and criminal use of personal identification numbers.

More mosquito spraying planned in Okeechobee.

This round will be from low flying aircraft.

The Florida Department of Agriculture will spray some 250,000 acres, almost all of it in Okeechobee County on Thursday and Friday nights.

If you have high levels of mosquitoes in your neighborhood your asked to call the Clarke Mosquito Hotline at 1-800-203-6485. That’s 1-800-203-6485.

October is domestic violence awareness month in Okeechobee

County Commissioners honored Jonathan Bean and Martha’s House for their continued work on behalf of domestic violence victims.

Bean said more men are reported being victims of domestic violence.

County administrator Deborah Manzo said the shelter was busy in 2023.

They provided 290 people over 4,000 emergency shelter nights.

Moore Haven City council was asked to do something about dogs running loose.

One resident complained she was attacked while riding in a golf cart with her grandchildren. Another resident complained she had to trespass a homeless person who was living in the bushes on her property.

The animal complaint was referred to animal control.
