News Cast for August 8th:

Schools hold budget hearing, open house

Okeechobee schools proposed a $216 million dollar budget. It represents an increase of $4.2 million this year.

They are getting six percent more in revenues due to the larger tax base.

They plan to spend $111 million on capital projects including the new high school, new heating air conditioning and ventilation at Everglades elementary, a new roof at Seminole and lights at the OHS softball field.

They will fund 722 positions.

The district had 20 vacancies to fill before school starts Monday.

Today is open house for schools. Superintendent Dylan Tedders reminded listeners that OHS will have about half the parking available.

Elementary open house starts at 5, middle schools at 6 and the high school at 7 pm.

The three candidates for Okeechobee County Sheriff participated in a political forum last week and were asked about crime trends, fighting drugs, providing more services and training and their leadership skills.

The candidates are incumbent Noel Stephen, and challengers Jon Folbrecht and Stephen Weikert.

Stephen complained about what he described as a smear campaign against him and his family.

Folbrecht would like to expand services for youth through the cadets and police athletic league.

Weikert wants objective policing and says all residents should receive equal treatment.

A 37-year-old man wanted in Okeechobee was located working at a construction site on route 17 near Sebring.

Eric Bronson was first jailed June 15th for allegedly injuring a female and creating a short standoff with Okeechobee deputies.

The warrants served in Highlands County include charges of robbery, battery, tampering with a witness and violation of pretrial release.

The NTSB has taken over the investigation into the fatality in Belle Glade that killed 9 people including six children.

Spokesperson Alvin Brown said they will likely be on the scene for about a week investigating and should have a preliminary report in 30 days.

The rental vehicle being used reportedly had steering issues. There was also a police report that showed none of the occupants wore any safety equipment.

Others complain Hatton Highway pavement is rough and uneven and there are no lights out there.

Six of the nine who died were children, one as young as 22 months old.
