News Cast for April 15th:
State could fork over $20 million
A long effort to get reparations for survivors who attended the Okeechobee School for Boys and the Dozier School may be near the finish line.
The Florida legislature approved a bill approving the payments to an estimated 400 survivors this session.
The governor has yet to sign the bill.
Senator Erin Grall supported the bill. She said she expects the governors support.
“We did a very good job of really outlying all of the abuse that happened at these schools and they were state schools. We have a responsibility here. I have not heard any concern from the governors. I would imagine with the overwhelming support it received in both bodies of the legislature that it will be signed into law.”
The payments would go to students who attended the Okeechobee school between 1959 and 1975.
The Okeechobee City Council approved a ban on vaping and smoking in city parks.
The Tobacco Free Partnership had pushed the ban for years.