News Cast for May 3rd:
Okeechobee stops to pray
The Okeechobee Ministerial Association and Kiwanis Club observed National Prayer Day on the court house lawn Thursday.
Bob Jarriel prayed for our military and veterans.
Sandi Bell of New St. Stephen Methodist Church prayed for those in mental health crisis and contemplating suicide.
Mark Mayers prayed for families and children in troubled homes.
David Hazellief prayed for firemen, hospital staff, and medical workers.
Dowling Watford prayed for federal, state and local leaders.
Jerry Bryant prayed for the court system.
Dr. Christine Bishop prayed for the education system and students.
Tippen Padgett, Sandy Perry and Loy Mershimer provided special music.
This year’s theme was Prayer America’s Hope.
OMA President Donald Hanna welcomed the crowd and spoke about the history of prayer day having been started by President Harry S. Truman.
Most of the prayers were hoping for a better world, a return to morals, and an end to the war in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip.
Glades County has concerns about the condition of many county roads being damaged by large trucks.
County Road 74 from Palmdale into Charlotte County is getting into bad shape. Years ago, Glades threatened to close the road to encourage the state to provide some funding to improve it.
The county recently closed several streets in Muse to through traffic.
Many residents supported the ban while truckers said it hurts their livelihoods. There is an exemption for agriculture vehicles.
Carl Albert said there are plans for a 300 home subdivision and mine in Muse that will add traffic.
Shawn Caval Reyes argued the mines are not the ones damaging the roads but trucks passing through.
Commissioners had to debate how to fix roads they can’t afford and ways to not harm local residents who use heavy trucks to make a living.
Glades County also agreed to purchase playground equipment for the Buckhead Ridge park.
A 45-year prison sentence was handed down against Lavoski Jackson of Okeechobee for drug trafficking.
Jackson qualified as a habitual felony offender.
He also will pay over $53,000 in fines and court costs.
The Okeechobee Narcotics Task Force searched a home at 656 NE 13th Avenue on July 13th of last year and reportedly seized nearly six grams of pain pills, nearly six grams of molly, nearly two grams of ecstasy, and nearly 95 grams of cocaine.
Officers said they had witness Jackson making drug deals at the residence and had the evidence to receive a search warrant.
Okeechobee County submitted an application to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to two slow speed minimum or no wake boating restricting areas in the rim canal and Taylor Creek.
Public comments will be accepted for 21 days at
The FWC promised a decision within 30 days.