News Cast for July 23rd:

Schools find more parking

The construction of the new Okechobee High School will greatly impact parking this year.

The school board and county agreed to a deal to allow the school to use land on the west side of 441 just south of the high school.

250 parking spaces will be available.

The schools are also resurfacing parking lots at Okeechobee Achievement Academy, Seminole Elementary and South Elementary this summer and contracted to put in pole barns for the agriculture programs at Yearling and Osceola.

Another project is more walls to keep 4-year olds in pre K away from teenagers at OAA.

Superintendent Dylan Tedders said it just provides more protection.

“Those pre-k students never walk anywhere by themselves and will always have an adult with them. The adults will have keys to the doors and help them get through those spots. It was just another layer of protection we thought we could put in.”

The district also hopes for better numbers for school discipline this year. They plan to have more in school suspensions so the students continue to learn while serving the punishment.

Tedders said they’d like to see more respect shown from students for teachers and also for fellow students.

The student climate surveys indicated a problem noted by students that they don’t have enough respect for teachers or each other.

The open house for schools is August 8th starting at 5 pm.

The South Florida Water Management District continues to expand recreational opportunities around Okeechobee.

The state created a paddling trail for canoes and kayaks on 18 miles of the Kissimmee River.

They also expanded archery hunting at Dupuis Preserve in Port Mayaca.

The Kissimmee River Sportsman’s Association raised concerns about lower levels in the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes.

Brad Weihrach spoke at a recent recreation forum meeting and claimed five feet of water was released out of the lakes this spring over a seven week period.

He said it is hard to predict precipitation and the weather in Florida and questioned the need to draw down the lakes that much.

New facilities will be added at C-23 in western and St. Lucie County off route 70. The two parcels includes 5,500 acres, boat ramps, and information kiosks. They will allow motorized and

non-motorized boats, fishing, hiking, biking, wildlife viewing, and limited hunting for water fowl and alligators.

Opening arguments this morning in the Venus Bubel murder trial in Okeechobee. She is accused of shooting a woman in Four Seasons in June, 2021. The two were arguing over a gentleman both had been dating.

Highlands County commissioners approved 3 percent rate hikes for garbage.

They still have some of the lowest rates in the state at $229 dollars per year.

The county is budgeting another cell at the Lorida landfill.

Glades County voters get to hear from candidates today at a political rally in Buckhead Ridge. The pot luck supper is open to Buckhead Ridge residents and the public at 6:30 pm at the community building.
